Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How Does Home Depot Offend Homophobic, Hateful, American Family

If your personal reason for boycotting Home Depot has been that they donate ungodly (pun intended) amounts of money to Republican politicians who want to destroy the middle class, and maybe, by miracle or a blow to the head or some stroke of good luck, Home Depot has finally realized people without homes or incomes don?t make good customers and this offends the AFA, you would be wrong, too. Talk about shooting - don?t they realize that while they advocate shooting other retailers they are shooting themselves in the foot with GOP donations?

Home Depot offended the hateful AFA members by ?signing on? as a festival vendor in the 2012 Philadelphia Pride Festival. As usual, it isn?t enough for the hateful group to simply make the announcement without bold-lettering their sensationalized rhetoric. Hatred and lies are Christian values that they must uphold in every mass mailing, right? Otherwise, they?d have to stop calling themselves a Christian group and claiming tax exempt status. Holy $! Can?t have that.

This time, they prey on the hatred of their millions of clueless members with this:

Home Depot signed on as a "festival" vendor, conducting Kid's Craft Workshops for children in the midst of lewd activities, including nudity and homosexual activities.
Home Depot doesn't see a problem associating itself with the celebration of depravity. But to operate a booth for the purpose of attracting children is unconscionable. The photos at right show the children's booth, although adults obscured our camera's view of the children.

(Note: If their cameraman didn?t plant the adult obstructionists or wait until someone finally stepped in the way to take his shot, I ask their god to strike me dead before I finish typing. This should keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for the end.)

AFA partners with Americans For Truth on this message. (Ever wonder why these groups choose names that in no way describe who they really are?) Their message,

?Home Depot knows that transvestites, cross-dressers, and the promotion of gay sex are mainstays at these events. This is where Home Depot set up a children's booth!?
tells me they don?t care about families; they care about spreading their homophobic beliefs by denying the children of pride parade supporters a booth at the parade. Nice people, huh? Wonder if they also wanted to snatch hotdogs, Popsicles, and sand-art bottles from those children? Deny them port-a-pot access? Wish them skinned knees?

The problem with this one is that I?m torn. Usually, when the AFA asks me to contact businesses and express their hateful views, I contact those people and thank them for ignoring this bunch of hateful, homophobic, hypocrites. It?s going to be hard for me to contact Home Depot and thank them for supporting the parade. Maybe it will feel better if I do that and add that I might consider shopping there when they stop donating make contributions to GOP candidates.

AFA's request:

1. If you have not done so, sign the Boycott Pledge at XXXXXX (removed because I refuse to promote their hatred) ?
2. Call your local store manager. Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at The Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda. You can find the phone number here. (click "Store Finder").
3. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday School and church
(Nothing quite like teaching hatred in Sunday School, huh)

*still alive. I think this means their god of hate does not exist.


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